Stress always comes to you and you would always hate it! (so, so much -_-*) I guess the only way to handle it is to try a way you can get rid of it whenever it comes. For me, I usually wait for it to go away by itself.......the same way I do with sicknesses (I hate medicine, so never drank them....). Sadly that 'method' can only work for a few times....Not so effective either. I think if I let that go on, I'm letting it control my life. Of course there are so many other stresses that can't be 'handle' so studying ^^;
You can't always expect things to go the way you want. Haha, that is what I learn from high school xD Many sad moments will always manage to 'pop' up but you just have to know that it won't last forever. It will just take a bit of time for those things resolve and for me, those times are 'consider' to be the hardest times of my life xD
Luckily when it is over, I always realize that those stuff only pop up a few times while happier times will pop up each day for me^^ Like how people always says happier times always seems like a few minutes, while boring/sad moments seem to take FOREVER to past :P I think that's how my brain works xD When I finally get over an head would feel so light.....haha, it's like switching to a different channel on tv xD Now it's watching a comedy show instead of those depressing ones^
Beside that, I have an exam tomorrow and this Thursday!! Haha, I'm actually quite excited for them xD It's weird......cause I'm not too worried about them anymore^^ I'm just happy that they're coming soon cause I'll be able to get them over with soon xD And hopefully no worries after that....well....until the next exam anyway :P
On another note, I'm still slowly watching all the series now...... Might take awhile to finish I really wanted to work on another mv...^^;
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