!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!
for Beauty of the Game

Haha, I found it funny how Wong Cho Lam's uncle (don't know his name) wears a pink helmet xD I love it when they started with the argue. I love Wong Cho Lam's character so much xD He totally fits the paparazzi type!

Wong Cho Lam was so unreasonable in here xD He swings the backpack at Kate and she told him to be careful. He commented back "I am careful" and walks away^ Haha, I love his facial expressions xD

In this scene, Wong Cho Lam was trying to make an artist mad (to get some news) but Kate jumped out and stopped him. During this part they spoke a little part in English! Haha, I found that interesting and funny xD

Wong Cho Lam was spying on the actor (who he stalked before) with a camera. He and his uncle were on the rooftop and they lowered down the camera with a rope. Kate saw that and decided to CUT the rope! Haha, I found it funny how they screamed at her when they noticed she took the rope, but when Kate started to cut the rope they went to plan B and start begging her xD
He and Kate were having this kind of tug a war to get the camera! Wong Cho Lam bite her on the arm and Kate punched him in the nose^^ As you can see the bloody nose up there :(

Lols, I started laughing when I saw Wong Cho Lam in the muscle suit xD I think he was also wearing a skirt-ish thing over his shorts :P In here, Kate punched him again ;)

Poor Wong Cho Lam with the broken nose :( (Kate is in teh entertainment world right now) He is trying to get bad news of her since he has a grudge against her.
for Beauty of the Game
Haha, I found it funny how Wong Cho Lam's uncle (don't know his name) wears a pink helmet xD I love it when they started with the argue. I love Wong Cho Lam's character so much xD He totally fits the paparazzi type!
Wong Cho Lam was so unreasonable in here xD He swings the backpack at Kate and she told him to be careful. He commented back "I am careful" and walks away^ Haha, I love his facial expressions xD
In this scene, Wong Cho Lam was trying to make an artist mad (to get some news) but Kate jumped out and stopped him. During this part they spoke a little part in English! Haha, I found that interesting and funny xD
Wong Cho Lam was spying on the actor (who he stalked before) with a camera. He and his uncle were on the rooftop and they lowered down the camera with a rope. Kate saw that and decided to CUT the rope! Haha, I found it funny how they screamed at her when they noticed she took the rope, but when Kate started to cut the rope they went to plan B and start begging her xD
He and Kate were having this kind of tug a war to get the camera! Wong Cho Lam bite her on the arm and Kate punched him in the nose^^ As you can see the bloody nose up there :(
Lols, I started laughing when I saw Wong Cho Lam in the muscle suit xD I think he was also wearing a skirt-ish thing over his shorts :P In here, Kate punched him again ;)
Poor Wong Cho Lam with the broken nose :( (Kate is in teh entertainment world right now) He is trying to get bad news of her since he has a grudge against her.
Haha, as you guys can see, all the screencaps are about WOng CHo Lam xD He is my favourite character so far! I love the parts where he and Kate fight^^ (cause he would usually be the one getting hurt o.O) His expressions just makes me laugh every time xD
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