Time Travel O.O
Thursday 24

I was actually sick before too, but just in the morning (stupid weather changes =_=* cold in morning, hot in afternoon) Eh, anyway....that day was the day that my school was holding the event for the TERRY FOX RUN!!!! Haha, was really fun during the event, but I felt really sick after getting home.
Maybe because I was yelling for 2 hrs +_+ In yelling, I meant I was cheering at the finish line.....sometime jumping up and down too....gosh, I kinda feel like an idiot now......since I was one of a very few amount of people doing that. Eh, it was fun though^^ so I don't mind too much...but guess not too much school spirit.......even though I think we raised a good amount of money (hopefully) xD
Friday 25
The last day of the week.....ending of school torturement....a planned day with my friends......but yet my sickness wanted to get worse. I started the day with my French class. Oddly, the teacher wanted to play us a song and when she played it, I couldn't stop sneezing, but all the sneezing went away when she stopped the song +_+ I think I'm allergis to that song :P
After school, I promised my friend I'd go to the mall with her....and I did. Took us 2hrs just to find the right sweater for her brother as a b-day present, and hopefully that is the right one. When we got to her house.....I think I'm allgeric to cats!!!!

Hmm....maybe I should get back to what I meant to say....I HATE MEDICINE!!!! I just hate their taste T_T Espeacially the cherry and grape flavored *evil* Why can't the adults one tastes like the kids ones?? Bubble-gum flavoured?!!? I'm ok with that one, but the others (CHERRY) ...uhh...*shivers* It's so sad how the pills doesn't work as effectively as the liquid ones...........
*BTW the cat picture is not mine, credits to their rightful owner.
I hate bubble-gum flavored everything, LOL. I actually think grape flavored is okay.
What French song did you listen to?
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