
Started of where Susanna and Michelle are framed as being loan sharks and throwned into jail. They were torture by the empress's maid. Luckily the Chief of the Bureau came in and stopped her.

The Chief of the Bureau went to see the empress to stop the 'maid' from torturing Michelle and Suasanna. Sadly, she was set up and was also sent to the jail. Michelle got really weak after the tortures and fainted. This was the time where Michelle's and Susanna's friendship started to mend.

The 'maid' was about to sew Tavia's mouth, but there came Moses!!! He used his 'intelligent' xD and backfired the maid. He told her that her mouth should be sewn instead since she was the one who talked the most.
*This was the best part ever xD I'm so glad that Moses was able to rescue Tavia or else her mouth would be...*shivers* Haha, it's so funny how Moses chased the 'maid' around trying to sew her mouth xD

All the other maids of the bureau all kneeled outside of the empress's chamber awaiting for her forgiveness. The empress of course was 'firm' with her punishments and told them she would never change her mind. As she threw the account book down (this is the evidence that framed Michelle and Susanna), Charmaine notices a mark on it. She sets of with Tavia to find evidence to rescue Michelle, Susanna and the Chief Bureau.

At last, they found the evidence and the 'maid' was actually the loan shark. Everybody was freed and they all walked out of the jail.

All the Bureaus were united again and at the end of the episode, they all walked away from the empress's chamber.
Thoughts: I LOVED this episode xD Haha, best episode I've seen so far. The thing that I liked about it was because of the way they showed the sisterhoods. I always thought the 4 bureaus chief hated each other :/ But was kinda wrong when I saw this episode. They aren't actually bad and they stood up with each other in order to rescue each other. It really showed how the 'whole' bureau was a family. It was just because of survival that they needed to fight.
Sadly this 'sister' thing all faded after this ep. :/ I'm currently on half of ep.10 right now xD Took me 5 hrs to watch then take screencaps :P Other eps coming later ^-^
BTW, vote for your fav. character for Beyond on the sidebar xD Haha, my fav right now is currently Moses xD
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