FINALLY!!! NEW BANNER xD Haha, even though I still like the old one better :/ It had been up way too long, so here's a new one xD It is featuring TVB's 42nd anniversary xD Basically, just the series I enjoyed this year......beside Born Rich (haven't watched it yet)
The series are EU, Rosy Business, You're Hired, Beyond the Realm of Conscience and Born Rich. This year I was much more picky what to watch and my patient was quite low to finish a series.
EU had it's suspenses with the undercovers. I remember really enjoying this series and would watch it right after I get home xD I thought new cast, Elanne Kong was really cute with Ron xD I love all their scenes together xD I could also see Ron's improvement, like the scene where he cried at Michael's death xD haha, this series also shot Michael's (Tse) fame up, which he really deserve throughout all these years xD
Rosy Business was a great series!! At the end of the episode there's always some kind of cliff hanger that makes you want to watch it xD There were many great scenes that I had always remembered. 1 was the one that Wayne stood up for Sheren when everybody tried to take the keys, 2nd was where Sheren read her Husband's will out *claps* and also many others xD Another thing that I really like about this series was the ending. The ending wasn't exactly 'happy' or sad but just in between, which makes it better^^ Tvb would usually happy endings nowadays. As much as I like 'happy' things, too happy is just..........argh.
You're Hired.
After the 2 dramatic-ish series, there comes the comedy!!! Since the day I knew Dayo was in this series, I've always antcipated for it to come out. No doubt that it didn't dissapoint me xD I really enjoyed this series with a refreshing couple between Dayo and Charmaine. Their scenes together were sweet and special xD Haha, one word to describe it...ADORABLE xD But then I thought that the ending was kinda...rush?? I wish that tvb didn't cut out the other episodes (argh)! Anyway, a great comedy with Dayo and Charmaine. (haha, I always like 'fighting' couples for some reason xD Guess it's fun to see their reactions when they suddenly fall in love :P )
Beyond the Realm of Conscience
Hmmm....*cough*...technically....I'm not finish with the series yet, but so far it's just great xD
Born Rich
Ahem.....*cough*......well *cough*.....I didn't exactly....'start' this series....... Just think it's gonna turn out good xD But of course my thinking has 'evidence' ----> the themesong was great *thumbs up* xD
Nice banner! I liked your older banner too, but we all get tired of things. I can never have the same banner up for more than a month cuz I'll get tired of looking at it, lol.
The series you listed are the series I enjoyed too. Those are the only ones xD. I've enjoyed a couple others but they were simply something to past time. Born Rich is great! You should watch it!
Btw, will you be voting for the Anniversary Awards? Even if you can't read Chinese, it's pretty easy to locate around if you use sehseh's voting guide. I can't read Chinese but I just sent in my vote! :D
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