Hey guys! Haven't been posting for 2 days? Ugh, lately our english teacher decided to do a scary story contest. I still haven't finish it cause I absolutely have no ideas. Sad how a contest is mandatory T.T
Haha, back to the happy things xD I just started Beyond the Realm of Conscience!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo!!!! Haha, it's really great, but I'm watching it really slowly.....since it seems forever for the subs to come out :/ And.....the website where I usually watch from is....GONE? I'm not so sure....I think the forum still exsist, but I just can't seem to find it!!! If anyone knows anything, the site is called 'PhimWorld'.
*sigh* Anyway, I'm gonna be telling you guys a bit of Beyond xD So.............SPOILERS!!!! Please don't read if you haven't seen it. I'll try to not spoil too much though, just my thoughts?

First of..........the story is mainly focusing on Charmaine so not too much Tavia :/ But at least I really like there sisterhood ;) It's sad how they're gonna become enemies later on :(

Charmaine also met Kevin and Moses. Not too much of Charvin so far, but I think that the story between Charmaine and Moses is quite sweet. I feel really sorry for Moses though. Seperate from his mother since young and have to pretend.......

Surprisingly, the story that I'm most interested in right now is the story behind Susanna and Michelle. They would show-off in front of each other, and there seems to be a problem between the 2 of them. I'm guessing that they were sisters before (like Tavia and CHarmaine) but something happened (?) I really wanna know what happened between the 2.
P.S. I'm not sure if I'm able to get the pics done by the end of the week, but I'll try. Hopefully though.
Hey guys! Haven't been posting for 2 days? Ugh, lately our english teacher decided to do a scary story contest. I still haven't finish it cause I absolutely have no ideas. Sad how a contest is mandatory T.T
Haha, back to the happy things xD I just started Beyond the Realm of Conscience!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo!!!! Haha, it's really great, but I'm watching it really slowly.....since it seems forever for the subs to come out :/ And.....the website where I usually watch from is....GONE? I'm not so sure....I think the forum still exsist, but I just can't seem to find it!!! If anyone knows anything, the site is called 'PhimWorld'.
*sigh* Anyway, I'm gonna be telling you guys a bit of Beyond xD So.............SPOILERS!!!! Please don't read if you haven't seen it. I'll try to not spoil too much though, just my thoughts?

First of..........the story is mainly focusing on Charmaine so not too much Tavia :/ But at least I really like there sisterhood ;) It's sad how they're gonna become enemies later on :(

Charmaine also met Kevin and Moses. Not too much of Charvin so far, but I think that the story between Charmaine and Moses is quite sweet. I feel really sorry for Moses though. Seperate from his mother since young and have to pretend.......

Surprisingly, the story that I'm most interested in right now is the story behind Susanna and Michelle. They would show-off in front of each other, and there seems to be a problem between the 2 of them. I'm guessing that they were sisters before (like Tavia and CHarmaine) but something happened (?) I really wanna know what happened between the 2.
P.S. I'm not sure if I'm able to get the pics done by the end of the week, but I'll try. Hopefully though.
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