Haha, tomorrow's gonna be Steven's B-Day!!!! (Oct.26) He's one of my favourite actors in tvb xD I really can't wait for his new series (when is it realeasing!!!??!!!!) Legend of Pu Songling, A Watchdog Tale, The Stars of Love, and Transferred Connection Temptation. I also like his personality too^^ .....(no, I haven't met him :P) Haha, it's just from the articles I read about him and seeing his blog xD I just kinda sum up all those things and I just think he's a really kind person.

Legend Pu Songling - Out of all the series, I'm looking forward to this one the most xD Guess it's maybe cause of the cast?? Haha, I love both of Linda's and Fala's costume. I think Steven's singing the themesong for this xD I really can't wait to hear it!! I remember loving the themesong of A Journey Called Life, where he sang with Linda!!!
Haha, I'm really wondering who's he gonna end up with!!! There's gonna be a love triangle between him, Linda and Fala right?? He look so sweet with both of them (in the pics) and I love both of them too, so I don't really know who I want him with T.T (I know, I'm thinking abit far ahead..)

A Watchdog Tale - Argh!!! TVB postponed this series 2 times!!! I've seen the trailer in mandarin and I really can't wait for this series to air!!! Hehe, I only remember seeing Steven act as a bad-ish guy once in Better Halves. I can't wait for his role in this one xD

The Stars of Love - Ok, really anticipating for this one cause the story really interests me.....and....TAVIA!! Stevia didn't have a good ending in Land of Wealth and only an ok-ish one in Sweetness. Really hoping Stevia will get a better ending in here xD
There's was a clip on youtube where they saw Tavia and Steven filming in Disneyland! I can't wait to see that scene xD

Transferred Connection Temptation - Haha, Fala, Yoyo and Steven's gonna be having a love triangle in here! Hmm....even though I'm not excited for this series as much as the others, I'm looking forward to Fala's and Steven's pairing in here! I've seen some new article for their filming, and there's some really cute scenes between the 2 of them xD BTW, I LOVE Fala's hair xD
Pics Credits: tvb.com, Simply FungYi....and other
Steven and Fala look SO cute in Transferred Connection of Temptation. A must-watch for me!
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