Hi guys! I'm finally back

I'm sorry for being gone for.....I think 6 days?? Reason cause I was sick (again) .....yup, sickness caught me again. I remember getting home after school and slept through to the next day, that was a sleeping record

Haha, anyway, I'm feeling much better today xD (All I did was sleep and drink hotchocolate xD ) Being missing for a couple of days, I need a little time to catch up on everything again. First thing I noticed.....BR aired yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!! and Beyond is airing today!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG...
I'm gonna be posting more after I answer all the messages in the chatbox^^ See ya!
EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm sorry, I TOTALLY lost it!!!!!!!
I thought Beyond was airing today!! but it's NOT!!!!!!!! I'm sorry if I confuse anyone....It's air on 19!! Now you guys can all see how mess up my head is
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