Ok, while I was on the sleeping the last few days, I've started to dig out my mom's series and began to re-watch......my favourite part of Journey to the West^^ Haha, love it when I was small
Guess everybody know what this series is right??? Haha, while I was watching it, I couldn't help but draw the famous group^^ So..........TA DA!!!!! Here they are xD
Hehe, out of the four, I like Wayne (the pig) best!!
Favourite Story
As some of you guys know, Journey is made out a bunch of sub-story-ish. My fav is the one with the spiders sister xD I espeacially love Angie Cheung (elder sister) in here xD Her story is so sad though
Her story started of when she was able to take human form (she's a spider) and wanted to go to a human school (dresses as a boy)........*pause* (yup, she went to human school, put on boy's clothes...doesn't that remind you of the story of the Butterfly Lovers??) *ends pause*
At the school, she met Chin Ka Lok. After he helped her, they got to know each other more...and one day, he finally found out she's a girl!!!!!!!!!!! *pause* (
His family loves her but then one day this monk came across his house and saw her demon aura, so he decided to BURN her!!!! *pause* (I HATE him!!!! argh! He was the one who seperated them
Unfortunately, his plan was fulfilled because Angie was saved due to her demon powers....he on the other hand....died. To keep there promises, Angie continued to search for him for 500 yrs. But when she finally found him, he was......................................
Haha sorry guys, that's it xD Decided to end it here^^ Trust me, watching it is much better than hearing me explain it xD For those who's interested in this story and wants to know what happens to them, watch the series xD or maybe re-watch....because you might not remember??
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