I love the themesong very much and even love Susanna Kwan more! This theme sounds really heart-warming and happy xD More and more, this series keeps on reminding me of VOH! Such a great cast, so hopefully the story won't let us down =)
I love the part where Linda hugs Raymond!!! Hehe, they look so cute together in there! Also the part where Moses splashed water onto Elaine's face xP lols Elaine's expression was so funny! Can't wait to get a start on this!! Sad how it has to be on when school is about to start though...but I'm excited for school anyways! Haha, first week of school is always the best...and also the last week xP
btw I won't be hosting my pics on photobucket anymore....b/c I'm afraid when I stop using it, after awhile the pics will be gone. So now I'm just using blogger again. I'll be trying to edit the older posts to by re-uploading the pics back onto blogger again.
What is the name of this song?
The song is 萬千寵愛 (Thousand of Love)^^
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