Happy Valentines? ft Benjamin Yuen and Sire Ma

Well, the holiday passed by already but I'm using it as an excuse to post these sweet photos of Benjamin Yuen and Sire Ma!  Hehe I never knew that they shot a wedding ad together before.  Would love to see them pair up one day? ;)

Hmm...hope everybody had a nice Valentines?  Mine was great cause I didn't have school :P  Slept in and ate.  Afterwards, I slept some more.  Oh!  If you've seen me on twitter, I also decorated my new bulletin board!  I'm very proud because it represents one of those moments where I did something productive, other than sleeping, during the holidays.  Haha hope you guys had a more eventful holiday?

If I'm granted one wish right now, I'd wish that my holidays can be extended.  I'm not ready for the midterms yet.  Yikes!


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