The banner down there (Linda and Ron) was the first banner that TVB Horizon had. I really love the pics. of Ron and Linda there xD They look so cute together!!!!!!!! *sigh* I thought that I would never, ever....delete their original pics..which were used ta make this banner, but guess what?? I DID!!!!??!! I can't believe that I DELETED those pics!!! *emotional breakdown* *tears* ....I remember it was so hard to find those pics.....and I don't rememeber where I found them either....*sniff, sniff*
Does anybody know where I can find them again?? I tried to look again, but sadly with no luck T_T
Well, that was the reason that I think there's something wrong with me.......*sigh* Anyway, while I was looking for wedding photos, I saw lots.......but these 2 couples are my favs^^
Hmm...I guess the reason these 2 are my favs because.....well, they just totally look cute together xD haha, even though some others are cute too, I guess they were just missing the *couple feeling* ....argh, I don't know how to explain it....but........ugh, nevermind, it's just gonna get more complicated if I try to explain it :( There's always something wrong with my head......

Myolie and Bosco is the other pair xD I love their photo so muchxD Looking at it make me go "awwwwwwww.." Haha, they look so cute together!!!!!
Haha, I wish other TVB stars would have wedding promotions likes these too xD It would be so great if that happened!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I thought that Charmaine and Chiliam's pics were really cute too...but then I was lazy, that's why they aren't up here.....
I found some of the wedding pics here:
Hope you find the pics that you liked!
Thank-you so much yue_mei!!! So happy to see the pictures again xD and such a nice site too^^ Thanks again xD
You're welcome!
Yeah, that couples cottage is a really nice site, I just found it randomly LOL.
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