LMAO Elsa's theory may seem a bit childish but quite sweet as well. And I just love Solo's (Roger Kwok), Jazz's (Pal Sinn) and Ming Sir's (Raymond Cho) expressions while they evaluated Elsa's 'theory'.
What happened at the church?
Jazz to a lady: "Miss, you look anxious. We are God's children. Feel free to talk to me. Perhaps the almighty Father will ask a man to give you a hug after listening to you prayer."
Worker at the church suddenly same sit down next to them and started praying outloud: "Almighty Lord, please grant me the wisdom to differentiate the wolf among the lost sheep. Use your power to summon Chan Sir from 'police station' to come and share with us his experience as a police."LMAO I really like that guy's clever way of telling Jazz to basically, GET OUT OF HERE!
What happened at the suicide prevention centre?
First phone call, Jazz: Hello, suicide prevention centre.
Suicide caller (guy): I don't want to live! I want to jump off the building!
Jazz: Sir, have you jumped yet?
Caller: Soon.
Jazz: If you haven't, please hold on.
*transfers call*
LOLS I know this is not suppose to me funny, but at that moment, it was hilarious!
Second phone call, Jazz: Hello, suicide prevention centre.LOLS I literally laughed out loud when Jazz started to sing, "Letting Go"!!! Raymond's songs are everywhere...seems like tvb likes to reference to his songs alot haha.
Caller: I said I wanted to kill myself but he simply ignored me!
*Jazz's eyes widened....BINGO! It's a girl's voice :P
Jazz: Miss, don't be so sad. Can you tell me how old you are?
Caller: 23
Jazz: Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?
Caller: He's got another woman! He wants to break up with me!
Jazz: I can tell you still love him very much but have you ever heard of the kind of love called 'letting go'?
Caller: What is that?
Jazz: Listen......*starts singing Raymond Lam's song, "Letting Go".
......then he got kicked out.
What happened at the single parents club?
Jazz's teary introduction: My name is Ming. I was married with my life for eight years and we have two sons....That was enough to make me laugh already!! Haha he was pretending to be Ming Sir (Raymond cho)! Though what he said afterwards, how his wife was in bed with another man etc was complete BS. He then got me again when he pulled out a photo of Felix and Louis (Ming Sir's sons)! Jazz came prepared didn't he? :P
In the end, he befriended a girl named, Sam (Grace Wong).
Jazz and Sam went out for a drink and Jazz got hit by a bunch of guys. This was all planned by Sam, who wanted to teach him a lesson (she saw what he did at the church and suicide prevention centre). Lols when Jazz told her that he had no bad intentions and only wanted to find the inspiration for his music again, of course she didn't believe him. That's when he started dancing and singing to one of his old classics. This part was just too good!!During the part where he sang, "I am idol Hong Kon...", he suddenly sprained his back! Lols that's when Sam said, "Goodbye Uncle!!" Therefore, the nickname 'Uncle' was born! haha Despite the age difference, these two will be a likable pair :)
Worse comes the worse, Elsa and Honey turned out to be enemies back in their school days. Haha Elsa was furious when she found out Honey is going to be working with Fish. While they argued, Solo (Roger Kwok) took a video :P
Though cheesy, I thought the highschool flashbacks were quite funny haha Selena Li is so cute in the school uniform xD
Lols when Honey saw Jazz, she was like, "Uncle"? The whole office burst out laughing. When he tried to explain that he's a lawyer, Honey still couldn't believe it, "Uncle is a lawyer?" Lols I love how everybody started poking fun at his age after this.
This episode overall was very enjoyable, especially since Elsa dominated it haha. Ugh...I am starting to miss Solo though, need more of him :P
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