I really didn't listen to the poll did I? When I posted up this poll, I've received some feedbacks about the series, and apparently heard abit about Bosco's evil character. That is the reason why in the end, I decided to watch Growing Through Life. I've already finished 2 episodes and to my surprise, I did enjoy them. After When Lanes Merge I didn't feel like watching anything so I took a little break, and it's good to start watching something again.
I feel like Growing Through Life was going at quite a slow pace, but I wasn't as impatient as before, so I didn't skipped through anything xD Now here are my thoughts so far...

I really like Damien's character. I don't believe he is a greedy business men, but instead, he really cares for Raymond. He can be just a bit strict and stubborn to show it. When Raymond's mom says to him that he owned her, I wonder what that was about. I'm really, really looking forward to more of his character.
Raymond's character is nice person who loves his family very much but holds a really big grudge against his uncle, Damien. I find Raymond's to be alright. I actually enjoy his stubbornness, but also think he's a bit childish because of that. He lets his emotions get over him to easily and that ended up hurting him more. Also another bad factor to be a business man, he trusts people too much and I really don't know if that's good or bad. There's another fact I like about him though. I really like his optimism. When his factory was bought my Damien, (it took him a bit of time to think) but he still knew that he still couldn't let go, but still try his hardest to keep the factory going. I look forward to his growth of character and also as a business man.
Damien's and Raymond's relationship is interesting to see. Both of them are stubborn so that just really increases their misunderstandings. I am looking forward to how they're going to solve
I also really like Cecelia Cheung's character. While Damien's the stricter one, she's the more relaxing character. It's good to see she's always there to talk sense into Damien. They make a nice husband and wife. My fav part so far of hers was when she thought Toby was going to bring home a boyfriend. Haha, she was so excited.
Toby plays as Damien's and Cecelia's daughter and is quite naive person. Her biggest wish is for Raymond and Damien to clear their misunderstandings and become family again. She is alright to me, sometimes I find her expressions to be a bit dull, but still ok.
For some reason, I really don't like Raymond's girlfriend. I find her expression to be somewhat the same every time...and there's just something I don't like about her.
Bosco is Dominic Lam's son and also Raymond's friend. Even though he've only appeared for a short 3-5 mins in episode 2, I'm already liking him very much. He seems really smart and a looks like a really sweet talker as well xD I really do look forward how his character turns evil and his relationship with the other mainland actress.
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