I've been into doing wallpapers lately xD I really like all of these but my favorite would be Kate's. I really like her pic in there!! I also really like the one of Bernice's and Raymond's. The one of Macy's, I thought I could've brightened it up a bit more but it still looks pretty =D The one of Ghost Writer. I really like it but the picture quality is bad.
Also the new chibi! Haven't been drawing for so long!! I really miss drawing too, but I really don't know what to draw lately. Seems like all the things I wanted to draw, I already did. Hopefully you guys will like the new one though! I didn't draw it on a tablet because....I still can't control the tablet....I cannot draw on it T__T But I colored it on photoshop though^^ Now my tablet is kinda useless.....cause I don't draw on it anymore (just using it as a mouse :P)
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